Awards 2019

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The FIRE Awards will be granted to initiatives that are on the last stages of implementation or that have finalized activities already that are aligned with the funding categories and eligibility criteria. Awards will be up to USD 3,000. Innovation and development should be an integral part of all award nominations.

Grants 2019

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There will be no call for FIRE Africa grants in 2019


The FIRE Africa program will be offering one award for one selected project that highlight the use of ICT for development in a few days. The selected project must meet three main criteria. All project proposals must include a technological component through which it seeks to solve development problems. Proposed solutions must be innovative, that is, they present new strategies, concepts, methods and processes that respond to social needs and that can broaden and strengthen communities.  The FIRE prize includes a cash prize of USD 3,000 plus airfare and the cost of accommodation included for one representative from the project to attend the Internet Governance Forum IGF 2019 awards ceremony and participate in the sessions that are held. 

FIRE programme joins international innovation alliance

Seed Alliance

The Seed Alliance is a joint initiative of, FRIDA and FIRE programme with generous support from IDRC and SIDA to promote innovation and support Internet Development on a wider scale. more »

FIRE programme: Origins

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That started in 2007 as a pilot project to identify and reward innovative solutions to community challenges has finally age. The Fund for Internet Research and Education has matured and is now among the prestigious awards and grants programme offering recognition and support to ICT initiatives benefiting grassroots communities. When Dr Nii Quaynor, a pioneer of African Internet, donated his Jon Postel Awards 2007 cash prize he ignited FIRE....

Innovation on access provision