Download a sample application form, for your reference, to help you prepare your proposal submission.
The proposal must clearly define the problem that originated the project, its relevance for the community involved and how the project implementation will solve it.
Include relevant background information relating to the activities proposed.
Describe why the FIRE programme should support the execution of the proposed activities and particularly, point out the innovative character and the impact that is anticipated as a consequence of the execution of the project activities, in relation to the community, the region, and the organizations presenting the proposal.
Clearly define the general and specific objective of the project and how they relate to the main diagnosed problem.
Describe the groups that will be the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the outcomes achieved by the project.
Describe the actions to be carried out as well as the methodologies chosen, stating the reason for this choice and compare with other possible alternatives.
Describe clearly and chronologically the activities relevant to each objective, stating anticipated start-dates and end-dates and the important assumptions.
Describe the concrete outcomes that will be generated during the complete project cycle.
Provide at least one verifiable indicator for each expected outcome.
Clearly state the important assumptions on which the success of the project depends and the risks that have been considered.
Provide all the information requested about the organization responsible for the project implementation, which will be legally responsible for the management of the project and the funds granted by the FIRE programme.
The names, academic background and relevant experience of the persons having relevant participation in the execution of the project must be stated (particularly of the person who will be technically and administratively in charge of executing the proposal).